General terms and conditions

1. - Vehicle use:

The customer acknowledges that the vehicle that has been delivered, (or the one that could be delivered in place of it if necessary) is in perfect mechanical condition and is clean. The vehicle is delivered with a copy of the necessary documents to be able to drive around, accident reports, the original tools and accessories. Said vehicle must be returned in perfect condition, with all the elements mentioned above. Keygo Rent reserves the right to terminate the contract in advance, with no other obligation than to notify the customer. Any modification or extension of the contract must be authorised in writing by Keygo Rent, the retention imposed unilaterally by the customer will be considered misappropriation. 

The customer must use the vehicle with due diligence and following the rules and characteristics thereof, in full compliance with applicable regulations.

Likewise, the customer expressly agrees, but not exclusively to:

-          Not use the vehicle for commercial purposes and/or freight transport.
-          Not transport or allow explosive, flammable, corrosive materials, drugs, narcotics or contraband of any kind to be transported in the vehicle.
-          That the vehicle must not be driven by persons not authorised in the contract.
-          Not drive under the influence of alcohol, drugs or narcotic substances or any substance that involves a limitation of the faculties, including those obtained by medical prescription.
-          Not board or drive the vehicle on any type of maritime transport.
-          Not drive on unpaved roads or non-asphalted roads, paved roads with serious deficiencies or not suitable for the movement of vehicles (beaches, forest tracks, airport runways, etc.).
-          Not drive the vehicle outside of Spain.
-          Not use the vehicle to tow or push other vehicles.
-          Not participate in races, contests or competitions of any kind.
-          Continue with the use of the vehicle despite having revealed any type of incident by detection and/or the alarm system expressly provided in the vehicle.
-          Transport a number of people or amount of luggage greater than the authorised one for each vehicle, including the transport of luggage or any item on the roof even using a suitable device for it.
-          Drive recklessly
-          Leave visible objects that could be stolen with damage to the vehicle.
-          Manipulate the odometer, replace wheels or perform any mechanical or similar intervention with respect to the vehicle.
-          Use the vehicle outside the contracted period.
-          Not smoke inside Keygo Rent vehicles.

The customer will be fully liable for damages and other responsibilities that may arise from the improper use of the leased vehicle.

2.- Documentation requirements:

Please take into account that to rent a car with us you must arrive on a flight on the same day of your pick-up day and you will need to provide your return flight number to our staff.

When picking up the rental agreement you must provide: Passport or ID, driving license, credit card and reservation number.

All drivers must be in possession of a European driving license in Roman characters, (otherwise, an international driving license or a sworn translation accompanying the license must be provided), that is a minimum of one year old. The minimum age of the driver is 21 years old, with a minimum one-year license. For drivers between 21 and 24 years old, the car can be driven at an additional cost. If the driver is 75 years old or older, an additional supplement will be added. This is a mandatory supplement regardless of the type of coverage chosen.

In any case, Keygo Rent reserves the right to deny access to the vehicle reservation for justified reasons.

3.- Rental periods:

The rental days will be computed in 24-hour periods, with 1 day being the minimum period and 28 days the maximum. It will start counting from the exact time the contract is activated and until the return and closing of the same contract. Keygo Rent offers a courtesy of 59 minutes of delay in the return of the vehicle with respect to the time agreed in your contract. In the case of exceeding the courtesy, you will be charged a late penalty of €25. In the event that the rental contract is terminated in advance by customer choice, they will not be entitled to a refund of the unused days.

The vehicle must be handed over at the place, date and time agreed in the contract. If the vehicle is abandoned in a different location, a charge of € 80 will be applied for the recovery management and any other expenses generated by the abandonment will be paid by the customer.

If the customer wishes to extend the rental period they should go to the nearest Keygo Rent office to sign the extension. No contract may be extended by phone, or by any other means of electronic communication.

Under no circumstances may the amount paid as a deposit be used to extend it. So, in the event that the contract is extended, the customer must make an additional payment for the extension.

If the contract could not be extended due to lack of vehicle availability or for any other reason, the customer must return the vehicle to the agreed branch at the agreed date and time.

4.- Rental fees:

The customer agrees that after the end of the rental of the vehicle, Keygo Rent will carry out, without its express authorisation, charges by means of electronic payment systems, for the following:

-          The expenses derived from an extra cleaning service “special cleaning”, if upon return of the vehicle there is a level of dirtiness that does not correspond to normal use of the vehicle and will be charged at €80.
-          Management of fines, penalties or legal expenses, carries an administrative charge of €35 for each of them. This charge is in addition to the amount of the fine/sanction that the customer will have to pay to the corresponding authority.
-          In the event of an accident, regardless of the cause of the accident, and unless you have hired Keygo Rent Excellence, Keygo Rent will charge the customer a charge for administrative procedures for accidents amounting to €50.

-          The amount of moving the vehicle with a tow truck when necessary, except for mechanical reasons, excluding those that are due to negligence or misuse by the customer.
-          The expenses derived from the loss or damage caused to the tyres (including punctures and blow-outs), trims, tools, glass and windows, mirrors, clutch, accessories, interior of the vehicle and problems caused by incorrect refuelling.
-          Damage to the lower bodywork including the lower fins.

The amount of the charge made to the customer for the damages caused to the vehicle will be calculated taking into account the appraisal carried out by the KeyGo Rent expert department according to the price list published on and which is available to the customer in the collection office. The customer recognises that they have been previously informed of said rate, which they know and accept as appropriate.

Keygo Rent also reserves the right to charge the customer compensation for the days of vehicle stoppage. Said compensation will be calculated on the number of days necessary to repair the vehicle, using the daily rate contracted as a quantification basis.

The maximum responsibility of the customer will be the value of the vehicle in the market, according to the maximum price established in the official vehicle valuation tables at the time of the accident.

4.1. - Supplements and extra items:

Child seat Group 0 (0-13 kg; 0-15 months), subject to -> €8/day
Child seat Group 1 (9-18 kg; 9 months-4 years), subject to -> €8/day
Child seat Group 2 (15-25 kg; 4-6 years), subject to -> €8/day
Child seat Group 3 (22-36 kg; 6-12 years), subject to -> €7/day
Additional driver, hire up to 3 additional drivers per contract in addition to the main one -> €7/day (minimum 2 days)
New driver (21-24 years old) -> €8/day
Senior driver (>75 years old) -> €8/day
GPS, subject to availability -> €7/day
WIFI/TABLET, subject to availability -> €8/day
Delivery and/or return at hotel or requested address, check -> Min. €30 each way
Fast Pass (avoid waiting in line) -> €20
KeyGo Excellence Small and compact vehicle -> €22/day
KeyGo Excellence Medium and Large Vehicle -> €25/day
KeyGo Excellence 7/9 seater and high-end vehicle -> €29/day
Roadside assistance -> €25 1-7 days / €35 8-25 days

-Hourly surcharge: all pick-ups and returns are free of charge between 07:00 and 22:00 throughout the year. Outside these hours the following surcharges apply:

Night-time delivery of the vehicle, from 22:00 to 06:59 -> €40
Night-time return of the vehicle, from 22:00 to 06:59 -> €40

5. - Payment methods:

Payment will be made by VISA or MASTERCARD credit card. The credit card must be in the name of the holder of the rental contract.

Payments are not accepted in cash or by smartphone.

The payment of the rental of the vehicle and the different additional items will be made in the currency chosen by the customer, with multi-currency operations being accept, subject to the conditions of the banking entity that manages the payment.

6.- Insurance:

6.1 Third-party compulsory and civil liability insurance.

All rental rates include the coverage of the Mandatory Automobile Insurance and the Civil Liability Supplement for damages and losses of third parties derived from the use and driving of the vehicle.

These coverages are guaranteed and are assumed by the insurer with whom Keygo Rent has the corresponding insurance policy at any time and are subject to the general and specific clauses thereof, as well as to the law.

By signing the rental contract, the customer adheres as an insured party to the aforementioned policy, the conditions of which are available to them, recognising that they have been made available to them and that they understand and accept them.

6.2 Keygo Basic Coverage:

The rental rates also include the KEYGO BASIC COVERAGE, in which the damages caused due to driver negligence are covered, as a consequence:

a)   Of collision
b)   Of theft
c)    And by accidental fire or vandalism.

The Keygo Basic Coverage always includes an excess for such damages for which the customer is directly responsible, the excess ranges between €1,050 and €4,000 (depending on the type of vehicle delivered). Said excess must be guaranteed:

a)                  By depositing a variable amount according to the group of the reserved vehicle.
b)                  By purchasing Keygo Excellence Coverage.

This Basic Coverage will be valid as long as the following conditions are met:

a)      That the customer, in case of collision, theft, fire or vandalism, sends to the following to Keygo Rent within 48 hours of the incident occurring: an accident report, detailing the registration, name and address of the opposing party, possible witnesses, circumstances of the accident, sketch of the accident, the name of the insurer of the opponent and, when possible, the insurance policy number, all signed by the two drivers involved in the accident.
b)      That the insurance company does not reject the accident as a result of not driving the vehicle in the physical and psychological conditions required by the Traffic Regulations.
c)      That the collision, theft, fire or vandalism did not occur during unauthorised use.
d)      That the vehicle has not been abandoned by the customer without complying with the obligations required for this purpose.

The following are expressly excluded:

The loss and theft of keys, damage to tyres, interiors, exterior rear-view mirrors, windows, outages, punctures and blow-outs, damage to the clutch and gearbox, days of vehicle stoppage until repair, battery recharge, tow truck costs, incorrect refuelling and in no case the theft of the vehicle with the keys in.

6.3- Keygo Excellence Coverage:

Rental rates do not include, unless expressly contracted, Keygo Excellence coverage. By purchasing this coverage, the customer avoids having to leave a money deposit as an excess and also the damages excluded from the basic coverage are covered except for incorrect refuelling, damage to the interior of the vehicle and theft of the vehicle with the keys in or abandonment of the vehicle for any reason.

The aforementioned coverage can be purchased at the time of vehicle collection or in advance at the time of booking.

For the industrial vans there is a posibility of reducing the excess by hiring the partial excellence insurance. With this insurance you reduce the excess to 250€.

For high-end vehicles (CTAR, ITAR, IDAR, ISAR FTAR and FFAR) a credit card is required to rent the vehicle. Even if you have the excellence coverage.

For the category XXAR is a posibility of reducing the excess by hiring the partial excellence insurance. With this insurance you reduce the excess to 1600€.

6.4- Roadside Assistance Coverage. 

This coverage has a 24-hour telephone service. You should call +34 971 73 06 96. It guarantees roadside assistance within the least amount of time possible for any reason (puncture, battery discharge, incorrect refuelling, accident, disablement or forgetting the key inside...). Assistance for negligent acts or unauthorised use of the vehicle is expressly excluded. **This coverage is already included in the Keygo Excellence coverage.

6.5- What is not covered by any type of coverage.

- Damage to third parties or to the rental vehicle due to negligence or inappropriate driving, including the amount of days of stopping the vehicle until its repair.
-Loss of child seats.
- Damage or loss of antennas, jacks, safety triangles, vests, windscreen wipers, fuel tank cap, boot trays, radio/CD/navigator or any other mobile or fixed vehicle component.
- Motor damage due to negligence.
- Theft of the vehicle with the keys in.
- Damages to the vehicle or people while driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- Fines and penalties for incidents during the rental period are the responsibility of the contract holder.
- Incorrect refuelling.
- Abandonment of the vehicle.

7. Fuel policy:

- Full-Full Format (included in all rates): Vehicles are delivered with a full tank at no charge and must be returned in the same conditions. In case of fuel missing on return, the amount of this will be charged to the customer, along with a management and refuelling fee: €20
- Quick Return Format: The vehicles are delivered with the tank completely full and the amount of this is charged to the customer at the time of signing the rental contract, the price charged is the same amount that it would cost at a gas station. Upon return of the vehicle, the customer will not have to refuel the vehicle and no refuelling fee will be charged.
- Any incident affecting the condition of the vehicle's tank upon delivery must be communicated by the customer before leaving the premises. No claim will be accepted later.

8.- Deposit:

- At the time of signing the contract, the customer will pay, in addition to the amount of the settlement of the corresponding contract, an amount of up to € 4000, depending on the vehicle model, as a deposit. This is in the case that the customer has chosen the Keygo Rent Basic rate. When contracting the Keygo Excellence rate, the customer must leave a deposit of €150 for small and compact vehicles, €200 for medium and large vehicles and € 250 for 7/9 seats and luxury vehicles. The amount blocked as a deposit will be released within a maximum period of 30 days after the end of the contract.

9.- In the event of an accident:

- In the event of an accident, damage to the vehicle, theft or fire, the customer agrees to: obtain complete details of the opponent and witnesses, presenting the accident report to Keygo Rent within 24 hours. You must not authorise or sign acceptance of any type of liability in the event of an accident. Otherwise, Keygo Rent declines responsibility for such acceptance, and the consequences and civil responsibilities of the accident may affect the lessee. The customer will not leave the vehicle on public roads without first taking measures to protect it.

Likewise, the customer will be obliged to provide roadside assistance and not to overlook their duty to recover the vehicle, notifying law enforcement agencies to proceed accordingly.

10.- Repairs and maintenance:

- If the vehicle must be repaired during the rental, the customer must inform Keygo Rent of the breakdown and its cost so that Keygo Rent authorises the repair in writing at that workshop or decides to repair it in an authorise Keygo Rent workshop.
- The costs of authorised repairs or replacement of liquids that have been paid by the customer will be returned by Keygo Rent, (expressly excluding punctures), upon presentation of the corresponding receipts unless such damage has been caused through intent, fault, negligence or misuse of the vehicle by the customer.

11.- Theft, damage and loss of personal items:

- The damage, loss or theft of goods owned by the CUSTOMER that are in the vehicle will be totally and exclusively their responsibility, and they are not covered by any insurance or under any of the contracting formats specified in the previous section.

12.- Contract cancellation causes:

- Keygo Rent reserves the right to terminate this contract in advance and without any compensation in any of these cases:
- The non-payment of any item contracted by the
- When the customer is making unauthorised use of the vehicle

Cancellation requests notified less than 24 hours in advance of the expected pick-up time are NOT refundable.

13.- Jurisdiction and applicable law:

- This contract will be governed and interpreted in accordance with the Spanish Legal System, Keygo Rent declares its intention to resolve any dispute in a friendly manner. If this is not possible, any divergence that arises between Keygo Rent and the customer will be submitted to the jurisdiction of the place where the rental was initiated or for any other event of an imperative nature that may be applicable.

Keygo Rent expressly declines to submit to any mediation or arbitration system for the resolution of conflicts or incidents that occur during the course of the rental, regardless of having the mandatory claim sheets for customers who request it.


In compliance with the provisions of the European Regulation 2016/679 General of Data Protection and in the Organic Law 3/2018, dated 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and the guarantee of digital rights, the lessees are informed that the Identity of the processing manager is the commercial leasing company, specifically Auto Hugar, SA, with CIF A96047014 and address at C/ Fira de la Cerámica i Vidre 1 - Piso 1 46930 Quart de Poblet (Valencia) being the contact details, which are contained in this contract.

In any case you can consult the additional and detailed information on Data Protection on our website:

You are informed that for a greater guarantee in the fulfilment of the Data Protection a Delegate in Data Protection has been designated whose contact information is the following: Grupo Ugarte de Automoción, S.L., with email address

The purposes for which we will process your data are those of the provision and management of the vehicle leasing service and execution of this contract, the sending of commercial communications, the management of traffic violations and that of vehicle insurance, as well as the control (location) of the vehicle fleet and the sending of advertising about the company's products and services. The legitimacy for the described processing is found in the contract, when it comes to the presentation of the contracted service, the fulfilment of legal obligations in the cases of traffic violations and/or police requirements, as well as in the legitimate interest in the related processing for the sending of advertising or with regard to the location of the vehicle. Other legitimisation will be based on the consent of the customer.

Personal data will be kept for the time necessary to fulfil the purpose for which they were collected. If the data is used for several purposes, which require us to keep it for different periods, we will apply the longest term required.

In any case, we limit access to your data only to those who need to use it for the carrying out of their functions.

Our data retention periods are based on business needs, so that in relation to those personal data that are no longer necessary, access to them will be limited to the fulfilment of strictly legal obligations or they will be securely destroyed.

Purposes related to the execution of a contract: regarding the use of the information for the management of any contractual obligation that we have with the customer, we will keep that data during the period of validity of the contract and for the following ten years, in order to respond to possible queries or subsequent claims.

Purposes related to compliance with legal and regulatory obligations: certain information must be maintained for the periods required by the specific regulations that result from application (fiscal, commercial, money laundering, etc.).

Marketing purposes: regarding the use of your information for marketing purposes, we will retain that information for that purpose during the two years following the date we last obtained your authorisation to direct marketing communications, unless you request that you be excluded from them, revoking the consent given.

The company will not transfer data to third parties unless there is a legal obligation, or it is necessary for the presentation of the contracted service, you can consult additional information regarding the recipients of the data

You may exercise the rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation of the processing, opposition or, where appropriate, the portability of the data by request addressed to the Data Controller, providing a copy of your identity document to the email, specifying the right you wish to exercise.

Finally, we inform you that you can go to the Spanish Agency for Data Protection and other competent public bodies for any claim arising from the processing of personal data.

Auto Hugar, S.A. reserves the right to modify its Privacy Policy, according to its own criteria, or motivated by a legislative or jurisprudential doctrinal change of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection. Any modification of the Privacy Policy will be published at least ten days before its effective application on the company's website